VIEWTUBE_CLUSTERED | false | Instruct ViewTube to start as many worker processes as it has threads available. If disabled, it will run on a single process instance. |
VIEWTUBE_CORS_ORIGIN | empty | Specify the domain allowed to make cross-origin requests to ViewTube (see:CORS) |
VIEWTUBE_SECURE | false | Enables some security features (CSP headers, secure cookies). Enable this if you are using an HTTPS certificate |
VIEWTUBE_ADMIN_USER | empty | The admin account of this instance (see:Admin |
VIEWTUBE_YOUTUBE_COOKIE | empty | Your Youtube cookie (see:Youtube cookies) |
VIEWTUBE_PROXY_URL | empty | The URL of the proxy server (see:Proxy) |
VIEWTUBE_SUBSCRIPTION_INTERVAL_TIME | 60 | Specify the time between subscription refreshes in minutes. |
VIEWTUBE_LOCATION | empty | Specify the location for the trending page. For example, "DE" for Germany.View all country codes. |